Been in for over 35 years now and held every position that can be achieved by a male in this Organization. My wife and I have a combined 38 years of Regular Pioneering. We have believed from day one(1981) and were repeatedly told by The Organization, Convention & Assembly Talks, CO visits, etc., That the " Great Tribulation" will begin anytime now! And when I turned 50, I realized that if it doesn't come, I could become just like some of our Elders, that didn't plan for retirement, like me, would still need to have a job in old age, just to make ends meet!
Thank God, for this forum that helped me to wake up, both of us now in our 50's, got a job with benefits, will in 15 years, when I turn 65, qualify for partial retirement benefits, better than just trying to live on Social Security alone!
Many witnesses did it right. They were balanced, ignored some of "End Time Talks", worked untill they retired with benefits! Some, that had some energy left, entered the full time Pioneer ranks while retired.
I know of one couple who regular pioneered(him also an Elder the whole time), for most of their Adult Life, hit 62 and found that they only qualified only to $800 in SSI benefits per month! They were crushed! Had to quit Pioneering, stay working in a Cleaning business, only for the Brother's legs give out at 65, disabled now, living in Government housing, on Food Stamps and dependent on public transportation to get around. Some life now!